So before I start I need to put out a couple of disclaimers.
The first is that I am basing my posts on the knowledge and experience I have as of the date of the post. I am not omniscient. I do not pretend to know everything and how it all works together. If you believe I am incorrect or missing key information please feel free to tell me in the comments. If I have overlooked something I will be the first to say “I didn’t know that” and possibly revise my thoughts on a topic. But please, please do not turn this into a political commentary and spew comments about main stream media or anything else like that. My personal belief is that most things contested about are merely different perceptions of the same fact. For example on any given day one person could say it was sunny and another could say it was cloudy. Neither is completely right and neither is completely wrong. It is just two different perceptions.
The second and last disclaimer is the standard legal disclaimer you see everywhere. The information provided is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional legal or financial advice. Readers should always consult with a qualified expert before making any decisions based on this content. Blah, Blah, Blah.